Congratulations Master Morris!

As many of you know, Master Morris flew out to Halifax, Nova Scotia in August for a weekend long training camp with Grand Master Clark and the members of Martial Virtue Alliance.  It was a weekend filled with seminars on weapons disarming, Bo Staff, sparring, cardio kick boxing and review of our entire curriculum.

The members of SMA and MVA believe strongly that the journey does not end when you get your black belt, it is just the beginning.  All our instructors are committed to life long learning.

The highlight to the weekend was Grand Master Clark (Master Morris’ instructor for the past 28 years) honoring Master Morris with his promotion to 7th Dan.  We take our Black Belt promotions very seriously.  Even our instructors have to demonstrate they have earned their rank with hard work and dedication.  Master Morris trained for 7+ years in between promotions.  His knowledge, dedication and commitment to the martial arts has remained strong for the last 26 years.  He continues to inspire and ignite passion for the martial arts in his students.  Congratulations Master Morris.  We are all very proud of you.

Our 2017 comes to a end – what a GREAT year!!!

As we finish out 2017, we take a look back at all the amazing times we’ve had.  From tournaments to belt tests, a Black Belt Test (1st one since 2015), to being voted 2017 Top Martial Arts School in Calgary and ALL the fun we had around the school and outside of it.  Friendships are made, skills are mastered, with all your hard work, blood, sweat and tears left on the mats.  We are thrilled to have such an amazing group of people in our school.  We consider ourselves very blessed to have all this love and support surround SMA.  Here is a look back at our year……….in case you missed the Christmas Party.

We are extremely proud to have been nominated for a 2nd year as the Top Martial Arts School in Calgary.  Voting closes on January 2 –  CLICK HERE TO CAST YOUR VOTE FOR SUMMIT MARTIAL ARTS!

Nominee 2018 - Nominee Badge 2018

Our 2018 schedule is now up on the website.  We have a lot of exciting opportunities for those interested in tournaments – see the detailed schedule for training days.

We have 3 spots available for January 15 in our Little Monkeys class (ages 4-5) and 2 spots our Little Dragons (ages 6-7).  Our Warriors class is currently full.  Please call the school to get on our wait list for ages 8-12.

Our next belt test is scheduled for Saturday, January 20.  Invitations to grade will be sent out 1 week prior to the test.  Make sure you are getting your practice in at home if you are hoping to grade.

We would like to THANK YOU – our SMA families for making SMA such an amazing place to train.  Here’s to an incredible 2018!!!


Find a Training Partner and CRUSHING your goals!

Training for the long haul can be a daunting task.  Students can often lose motivation and drive somewhere along the road to black belt.  What makes the journey special is finding out what you’re made of during these rough patches in the road.  One thing that can help you stay motivated and on the path is having an accountability or training partner.  The potential benefits to this relationship are too strong to ignore.

Check out what makes this relationship so amazing, how it can impact your training and what things you should look for in a potential training partner.

Here are the top reasons a training partner/accountability buddy is beneficial.

1) They can help you achieve your fitness/martial arts goals – having a partner with similar goals can help elevate your training to the next level, it increases motivation, helps with keeping intensity level high, keeps you accountable, and increases your commitment level

2) Help with form – having a partner there with you during training sessions can help ensure you are keeping proper form and training safely.

3) Safety first – with a training partner, you can feel safe and secure knowing you will have someone there if you need help.

4) You can try new things- bounce ideas off each other – keep things fresh. Having a partner can prevent workout boredom and keeps your training from getting in a rut.  It also keeps the FUN in your workouts outside of the dojang.

5) Helps with accountability – knowing you have someone waiting for you keeps you on track and disciplined.  

6) Helps eliminate distraction – The perfect partners will keep each other from getting distracted during workouts.

7) Having a partner – either in person, by text, or online – can be hugely beneficial for motivation. Stanford University found that simply receiving check-in phone calls/texts from a partner increased the amount participants exercised by 78% (even after 18 months).

The Perfect Training Partner Checklist/importance

✔ Challenges you during your workouts and vice versa – having someone there to push you for that one last push up, or to keep sparring when you want to give up – keeps you kickin’ butt!

Choose someone with similar goals – if your goal is to get to black belt, then find a partner who is interested in the same.  Partnering with someone who is training for physical fitness isn’t the greatest fit if you are looking to do the long road to black belt.

Choose someone with a like-minded attitude – positive energy is infectious!

Motivation – the perfect partner is there to lift you up when you feel down and help keep you going when you want to throw in the towel.

Helpful – look for a partner who is helpful and not overly critical.  You want to walk away from your workouts feeling pumped, not defeated!

 Accountable – make sure you choose someone you can count on, a partner who is on time and shows up every single training session.

Similar Schedules – this one is crucial – finding a person who is able to work within your work/family/life schedule takes the stress out of planning and can get you on a consistent training schedule.

Healthy Competition – a little friendly competition never hurt anyone!  Keeps you moving forward!

Whether you are working on your home training or in the gym, having a training partner can make all the difference.  Keeping you motivated, keeping you accountable, keeping things fun and challenging you to push yourself to the next level.    Talk to your fellow students, see if any one is up for the challenge.  You won’t regret it!


What does being a Black Belt mean to you?

Junior Black Belt Test Essay by Mikko Bernardo written May 27, 2017

A Black Belt isn’t just a rank or a belt it is yourself, your life. A person with a Black Belt should bring good to our world. We all got our white belt, orange belt, yellow belt, so on so forth to reach a new beginning. The tenets of Taekwondo: Courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit are not only what a person with a black belt holds but also what a true martial artist holds. Master Morris has told us many things but the one thing that I can’t forget is that “A BLACK BELT IS A WHITE BELT WHO NEVER GAVE UP”. Discipline is also a big part of having a black belt because without discipline you will not be able to control yourself, you will just do whatever with the title of a person with a black belt. When Master Morris asked me what a black belt means to me and what I will do to give back to the community… I had to think… a lot.

A black belt is my family. Although my mom Ydelle isn’t in the community of Taekwondo, she has been so supportive to us. Even from the beginning, at the age of 7 and 6 when my mom enrolled us to do weekly lessons at the clubhouse in our community. My mom did this because we were hyper… all the time and she wanted our energy to be drained so that we could sleep early. When Aidan came to visit from Toronto, my mom enrolled him as well so that the three of us can bond because we didn’t know each other at that time. When the program ended, the instructor wanted to build his own school, and that is when we started to go up the ranks and do tournaments. 4 years later, the school that we were in got hit with trouble. My dad told us that we were gonna move schools so that we could continue our journey.

A black belt is also persevering.  Persevering is a big part of preparing and doing the test. I have to persevere because I just can’t keep up with my brother and my cousin so I have to persevere in my training, not just for my black belt but also reaching this point. So to me, a Black belt is my family and perseverance.

What I will do to give back to the community is teach( if I passed the Junior Instructor Training Program (JIT)), assist and help the students. I will do this because I feel joy when I help people. When I taught my first class I felt happy because I am teaching the students what I learn and when I see them smile it makes me happy. I will also do this because my parents would be happy to see me teach or just lead a warm-up or help a student with something they are struggling on. When I see my parents smile when I assist, lead a warm-up or teach makes me happy.

In conclusion, I would like to thank Master Morris, Kyo Sa Nim Chernichen and my dad Kyo Sa Nim Bernardo for allowing me to test for my black belt and helping me along the way. I would also like to thank Mrs. Morris for everything she has done to arrange this test. I would also like to thank my mom Ydelle for starting my journey and watching me grow in this community. Last but not the least I would like to thank Kwan Jang Clark the rest of the board for flying out here to evaluate the three of us. Thank you so much for allowing us to test for our black belt!


An Essay for our Junior Black Belt Test: May 2017

Black Belt by Aidan Bernardo

For some people they think of a black belt as a way of showing people that they are better than others but for me, a black belt means to never give up and to always finish what I started. In my years 7 years of dedication there were many times in my belt tests that I felt I couldn’t do it. However in that time I kept going no matter what because of all the support of my family and friends gave to me, and that I wanted to prove to my instructors and myself that I deserved the belt that I was being tested for. Never giving up means having the courage and the mindset to keep going even though it’s hard, and that’s what being a black belt is truly about.

In addition to this a black belt also means following the tenets of Taekwondo which are Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self Control and Indomitable Spirit.  Those tenets help me become the person who I am today.  It help me be more respectful and honest to others, and to encourage me to keep going.

Lastly, a black belt means being disciplined. Throughout my journey I know that without discipline it will be hard to follow the rules of Tae Kwon Do and if you don’t you will fail in your techniques.  Being discipline to me is another way of living life because without it we wouldn’t be respecting others and following the rules.  All of these important values are the ones that got me up to this moment.

If I am to get my black belt, I would give back to the community by being loyal to my school summit martial arts and making more time to help assist and more so to teach a class. I would also be a role model, a champion to other kids. With my experiences, I can teach them how to be disciplined and responsible so they can respect other people and to be honest. I would also give back to the community by helping out whenever they need me. The last thing that I can do to give back to the community is that I can show my fellow students and to my brother Angelo, how to have Indomitable spirit in them and to teach them that no one can overcome their spirit because one day they might test for their black belt, and that they will know that there is nothing to fear about even though there will be obstacles along the way and that through persistence one can reach a goal.

In conclusion, I would like to say thank you to God for guiding me and giving me strength, and my school Summit Martial Arts, because without them I wouldn’t be saying this.  I’d like to say thank you to my family because they are the ones that make me keep going  and motivate me when I’m feeling weak.  Thank you also to Marcuz and Mikko for being there in this journey, the fun and actions we shared in each of our classes and the support they gave me.  Lastly, I would like to give special thanks to my instructors Master Morris, Kyo Sa Nim Chernichen and Kyo Sa Nim Bernardo for pushing me to this moment and inspiring me to keep going.  Finally, thank you for teaching me how to be a good MARTIAL ARTIST!


What it means to be a Black Belt

The meaning of a Black Belt and my purpose of being one

Written By:  Marcuz Bernardo for his Black Belt Test on May 27, 2017

What does a black belt mean to me? I had to ponder this question a lot during my training. Being a Black belt, is not just a rank or a belt, it’s a way of living discipline, so we can bring good to the world. We all can get belts and achieve ranks. But discipline is more than all of these, showing us how to be a better martial artist. Kicking and punching are only techniques we can learn easily. Even a bunch of bullies and thugs can do that. When discipline comes in, we learn how to control ourselves not only in a fight, but also in the world we are in.

We have school to attend to, and everyday is that control that we need. Our tenets of Taekwondo: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control and Indomitable Spirit, are there for the purpose of being a good person. Even Master Morris said himself, that we can have the best kicks, hand techniques or whatever, but he will never test us if we show that we’re missing one of the tenets in our life. Even the slightest bit of giving up or dishonesty, will bring us down. Without all the tenets, we’re all just kicking and punching.

A black belt is the white belt who never gave up. That is a quote I will never forget. I started taekwondo 7 years ago. My mom had enrolled me to taekwondo so I could get involved in the community. She wanted to see that Mikko and I were happy to take part in self-defence. I never really understood its full purpose in my young age. But when I was going up the ranks, it was getting harder and harder for me to test. It was the most work I’ve done in my life, pushing to get my belt. Even when I participated in tournaments, I couldn’t see how I could ever compete against my competitors. There were great victories, big hardships, and tremendous losses. I never thought I could be this far in my journey.

But practicing those tenets, were commandments to helping me push through no matter what the outcome was going to be. I showed courtesy for those who taught me. I showed integrity by doing my training even at home. I showed perseverance by never giving up on my mind and on my body, but pushed further. I showed self-control by controlling my actions, emotions and thoughts each test, so that I wouldn’t be fussy and give up on myself. And I showed my indomitable spirit, by saying in my head, I will get this belt, I will excell in this test. I can do it!. So with all of these tenets, I know I’ve shown the courtesy for my instructors, integrity in my hard training, perseverance in getting this far, self-control over myself, and the indomitable spirit, knowing that I can excel this test. When I get my black belt today, I will know that I did my best, and that I earned it. As a black belt I will move forward with these tenets as my guide.

Knowing that there is still much to explore, I won’t stop chasing for it. It’s not the rank, or the belt that I want. It’s the discipline, and challenges to overcome. Moo-Duk-Kwan has helped me learn our world today. There is more evil in the world, than there is good. Stepping up to show what is good, is the least we can do to make the world a better place. Whatever door I have to open, whatever path I have to choose, and whatever obstacle comes through, I will push through knowing that I cannot be conquered. I will fight for the good of all. This is what a black belt is all about to me.

What I can do to give back to my community once I become a black belt, is to teach and assist Master Morris, Kyo Sa Chernichen, and my dad. I show a passion for teaching, especially in the JIT program (or Junior Instructor Training) that was launched in September. Ever since the day Master Morris asked me to help him teach and assist, I never hesitated one bit. Teaching is a way of learning. I learned so much teaching the little kids, and helping out. It made me happy to see how kids were enjoying. I feel that I should share our style of Moo-Duk-Kwan Taekwondo and bring it to others. I want to make a school some day. It would be so much fun to be able to teach and help others with my own style of training. I see this as my future. And thanks to the help of my fellow JIT friends, we all can share our passion.

Finally, I would like to thank Master Morris, Kyo Sa Chernichen and my dad for helping me through this hardworking journey. I would also like to thank my mom for starting my journey and watching me grow in this community. I thank my friends and family who have supported me in all that I’ve been through. Lastly, I would like to thank Grandmaster Clark and the rest of the board for being here to evaluate the three of us. We promise you, we will push as hard as we can to excel in this test. Thank you so much for allowing us to test for our black belt. We will give our all.

SMA would like to THANK YOU!

Summit Martial Arts was named the 2017 Top Martial Arts School in Calgary by Top Choice Awards.  Again, we would like to thank ALL our students and ftopchoiceawards_logo_year_2017_colouramilies for their tremendous support over the last 3+ years.  We truly would not be here without all of you.  We pride ourselves on maintaining a high standard for all our students.  We believe that EVERY belt should be earned through hard work, practice and dedication.  We do not promote students simply for showing up – we believe giving students unearned promotions is doing them a large disservice both in the martial arts and in life.  We have built our school on an adherence to traditional methods of training and principals, a strong work ethic, treating our students like family, and a refusal to sacrifice our quality just to cram our classes full of students.  We believe in quality over quantity.  Our reputation for quality speaks for itself.  We are proud to say 80% of our students come to us by referral from current students.

As of March 2, 2017, we have 8 spots remaining over ALL our programs!  All our programs are capped to ensure our students receive the highest quality martial arts education.  Here is where we stand.  Our Little Dragons (age 6-7) program is full and accepting wait lists applications.  Our Warriors (ages 8-12) has 2 spots available, our Little Monkeys (ages 4-5) has 1 spot available immediately, 1 spot opening in April, and 1 spot in June.

We have also made important changes to our Belt Grading system for Warriors/Adults (green belt and above).  Effective immediately, we will run 4 belt gradings per year.  Dates are as follows:  March 11, June 17, September 23 and December 16.  Formal invitations to grade will be sent out 1 week prior to the belt grading.  Little Monkeys, Little Dragons, Warrior/Adult (white/orange/yellow) belt gradings will remain the same.  Please see your emails for specific requirements per program.

We are always working to improve based on our student feedback.  As such, we have made some additions to the website to help our parents/students be prepared for class.  As promised, we have included a “How to Tie Your Belt” video on the website.  In addition, we have added the detailed weekly student schedule for our current students.  No need to dig through old emails to find the calendar!  And, finally we will be working on getting our Forms filmed over the coming weeks.  The format for distribution to be determined.  Stay tuned!!!

If you would like more information about our program, please contact us through the form below or call 587-583-5425.

We close our 2016 season with a bang!

There is always something happening at Summit Martial Arts, from belt tests to tournaments to SMA celebrations.  Let’s take a look at November and December around the school.

Our November Belt Tests gave our students an opportunity to showcase their skills.  There is a lot of hard work and dedication that goes in to preparing for the test.  At home practice is a must as you advance through the ranks at SMA.  Our Warriors and Adults tested on Saturday, November 19.  As you advance, the tests become increasingly difficult.  Not only does it test your skills but also your mental fortitude.  Congratulations Vench, Mrs, Chernichen, Spencer, Xander, Mr. Cutlan and Mr. Morin. Be proud.  Our tests are not easy, you earned those belts.

Our Little Monkeys and Little Dragons Belt Tests are just as difficult.  A student must be deemed ready to test.  Readiness is not simply for showing up to class regularly, it must be earned.  Students must show a mastery of skills and display an attitude becoming of a young martial artist.  Listening, courtesy and respect are just as important as the physical skills.

Congratulations to all our Little Monkeys who were promoted in November and December!  You did a great job, we are proud of you.  Look at those smiles!!

And congratulations George, Tyler, Christian and Evan!  Excellent display of all your hard work.  Check out those forms!

We also had another Pop Up Boutique from KSL Actionwear in November.  Thanks Jessica for showcasing 100% Canadian designed and made athletic fashions.  We love having you visit!  Don’t forget to check out their website.   We love supporting Canadian business owners.

On November 27, we attended the Kicks Open Martial Arts Tournament in Calgary, Alberta. Team Summit had a great showing!   We came home with 5 Golds, 4 Silver and 2 Bronze! Our students commented on the pride they felt for representing Team SMA, having fun and doing their best, despite the fact that there were no awards or trophies. We’d say that speaks volumes about the character of our students!  They represented Summit with the utmost sportsmanlike conduct, we are very proud of each and every one of you. Thank you to parents for sending photos while we were busy judging and keeping score.

FINALLY, our 3rd Annual Christmas Party was held on Saturday, December 17.  What a great turnout!  The school was filled with students and their families. Thank you to all the families for coming out and bringing such amazing dishes for our pot luck.  Congratulations to all those students who received awards this year.  We presented awards for Most Improved, the Mrs. Morris Award, the 5 Tenants Award, Most Dedicated to name a few.  We watch all year long to see who has demonstrated both physical improvement and an attitude that truly embodies what SMA stands for.  We hope you all had fun and can’t wait to do it again next year!  If you missed the party, you can still check out our Year in Review on Youtube.

Our next tournament is on Saturday, February 4.  Let’s make 2017 something to remember!

We are off to the races – tournament season begins!

On November 5, 2016, Summit Martial Arts attended the LMFA Open Martial Arts Challenge in Okotoks, Alberta. The Summit Team came home with 8 Bronze, 4 Silver and 4 Gold medals for the day.

Rylan wowed the crowd with his awesome form and kick butt sparring in the ages 4-6 division (white belt) – no awards were given for this age category.  This was Rylan’s 1st tournament, he did an amazing job!

Next up, Brock and Tyler competed in the ages 7-9 category (yellow stripe belts).  Brock brought home silver for sparring and bronze for forms.  Tyler took silver for forms and bronze for sparring!  Great job boys!

Vench was up next in the boys age 9-11 category (white belt).  Vench brought home a bronze for sparring!  Awesome showing for his 1st tournament.

We moved on to our seasoned students – Mikko brought home the gold for sparring in boys ages 10-12 (red with black band belt) – what a match!  Great job Mikko.

Chaney was up next in girls ages 10-12 category (green belt).  Chaney had a great showing receiving a bronze for forms and taking home the gold in sparring.  Great job!

Aidan and Marcuz competed in the boys ages 13-15 category (red with black band), Marcuz brought home the bronze for sparring and Aidan took home silver for forms and silver for sparring.  Way to go!

Next up was Max in the boys age 15-17 category (red with black band).  Max took home double gold for sparring and forms!  What an exciting sparring match – great job Max!

Both Val and Dan competed in the senior women (white belt) and senior men (green belt) divisions.  Val took the bronze for forms and Dan took a bronze for sparring.  Way to go!  It was a great day for Summit.

We would like to thank LFMA for inviting us, this was a well organized and professional tournament.  We would like to acknowledge the high level of respect and courtesy all the schools showed for each other.

If you are interested in competing in tournaments, please see Master or Mrs. Morris for details.  Our next tournament is coming up on Saturday, November 26.

Meet our Junior Instructors!

We introduced our Junior Instructor in Training Certification Program (JIT for short) this August.  We are please to announce we have assembled a fantastic team of young Summit Martial Arts students to assist in our children’s classes.  We asked them to write a little bit about themselves to share with our SMA family.  Here is what they wanted you to know, in their own words.  Let’s meet the Team!

Meet Aidan Bernardo

Hi I’m Aidan Bernardo I was born in Toronto, Ontario. I started Taekwondo when I was 5 yrs old.  I enjoyed Taekwondo because it was fun and makes me feel energetic.
IMG_7824During my free time I enjoy drawing, playing basketball, biking and swimming.  At school, my favourite subject is Social studies because it really makes me think hard. It’s good to know the history/past and how it’s changed now.  My best martial arts moment is learning self defense that I can use this in my everyday life. Also winning the TAFISA World Martial Arts Games Gold medal for weapon. It was an amazing experience along with all the other competitions I’ve joined.  I love going to Summit because the people who trained me are good and kind instructors like Master Morris and all the black belts. All of them are very helpful, always there for me to reach my goals! Once I become a Junior Instructor, I want to teach the Monkeys and Dragons to become disciplined martial artists. I also want them to reach their goals and become successful in their Taekwondo journey.

Meet Chaney Mowat

My name is Chaney Mowat.  I competed at the 1st TAFISA World Martial Arts Games in Sept IMG_78262014 in Richmond B.C.  I won a Silver Medal for Point Sparring and Bronze medals in both Forms and Continuous Sparring.  My best moment in martial arts moment was when I won my first gold medal at a tournament I also love the feeling of getting a certification after a belt test. I like martial arts because it teaches me respect, discipline and self-defence. I like Summit Martial Arts specifically because they keep it fresh and exciting. They also encourage us to keep trying and work harder they are very inspiring and motivational for  their students. They care a lot about their students success and want to see all of their students succeed. I also love the uniqueness of their teaching styles and their style of Tae kwon do. My hobbies outside of Tae Kwon Do are wakeboarding, wake surfing, horse riding and snow skiing.

Meet Marcuz Bernardo

Hi – my name is Marcuz Bernardo.  My Hobbies are swimming, biking, reading, playing soccer, playing basketball. But one of my favourite hobbies is doing Tae Kwon Do.

IMG_7825What I like about Summit Martial Arts, is the training that we do: it’s energetic, challenging, awesome and fun. Especially for the younger and new kids, it will give them a great experience.  My favourite subjects in school are math and science. They’re really fun and challenging classes to attend; the same way Tae-kwon-do is.  My best moment here was when I won a Gold medal at the TAFISA World Martial Arts Games in Richmond, BC; it was like winning a medal in the Olympics!  How I will teach the Monkeys and Dragons class, is in an energetic and encouraging way, so we can engage the kids to do Tae Kwon Do in the best and fun way, by doing games and activities like obstacle courses.

Meet Max Stronge

IMG_7823Hi – my name is Max Stronge. I have trained in the martial arts for 12 years. I am a 15 year old student in high school who has been actively participating in competitions since the age of 10.  Most recently I brought home two Silver Medals from the W.O.M.A.A. World Martial Arts Games in Germany. I was the CTV Athlete of the Week in July 2016. I have trained at many different schools in the Calgary area.  Summit Martial Arts is easily the school I would recommend to anyone that wants to involve themselves in Taekwondo. My passion for training and competing has been with me my whole life, and I hope to ignite that passion in others as well.

Meet Mikko Bernardo

Hi – my name is Mikko Bernardo.  The hobbies that I like, love and enjoy are: Skateboarding, Snowboarding, playing Soccer, playing Basketball. But the one hobby that I like the most is Tae Kwon Do to practice my skills in the style of martial arts (Moo-Duk Kwan).

IMG_7822What I like about Summit Martial Arts is everyone who steps through the front door is accepted, because the people have such a kind personality.My favorite subject in school is Math, because I like to challenged in school, and just like school I like to be challenged in Tae Kwon Do.  My favorite moments at Summit Martial Art was when I won 2 Gold medals, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze medal in TAFISA World Martial Arts Games. The Christmas parties that summit hosts and the annual beach parties. These events make me love Summit even more!   My teaching style with the Monkeys and Dragons will be an energetic and fun style so I can keep them filled with energy as well as happiness. I will make sure to incorporate some fun and energetic games, obstacle courses and drills. And by using these things I hope that the students will train with tones of energy so they can do their best! 😉
Here are some more photos of our team in tournament action.
We are grateful to have these young dedicated athletes join our amazing team of instructors. If you have any questions about the program or our JIT’s, please see Master or Mrs. Morris directly.  Here’s to another fantastic season at SMA!!!